Ứng dụng PAC trong báo hiệu đường sắt

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13/06/2019 Case study 3577 viewed

Predictive maintenance (PdM) techniques are designed to determine the condition of in-service equipment in order to estimate and schedule the timing of maintenance, an approach that promises to reduce the costs of routine maintenance and increase the reliability of the product.

To implement this plan, you may consider:

1. Measure and record the power consumption data for every machine, which can then be compared with the yield for the same period and a baseline identified as a goal for future improvement.

2.Monitor vital components in a machine, such as motors, bearings, valves, pumps, and the heater. It can then be determined whether the temperaturehas increased, the current performance has changed, or if there has been any variation in the vibration frequency. If any abnormal issue is identified, an alarm can easy be issued and maintenance performed before the issue damages the machine, rather than relying on regular maintenance.

Consequently, ICP DAS provides smart predictive maintenance solutions to enhance the efficiency and transparency of equipment monitoring.

The PET-7H16M high speed data acquisition module provides synchronous data acquisition function

The PET-7H16M is a high-speed data acquisition module with an embedded Ethernet communication port for transferring data over a network. The PET-7H16M module includes eight high-speed analog input channels, with a maximum sampling rate of up to 200K samples per second, which allows for simultaneous 16-bit A/D signal conversion on each channel.

Furthermore, the PET-7H16M module includes a synchronous data acquisition feature for AI channels, and a built-in A/D converter in each AI channel provides the feature of anti-aliasing filtering to adjust the appropriate sampling rate and to filter out modulator and noise. The advantages of the PET-7H16M module make data acquisition and transmission faster and more accurate. Consequently, the PET-7H16M can not only support a wide range of mobile and portable measurement applications, but can also support precision signal measurement applications.

The PET-7H16M module can be used for continuous data acquisitionN-sample acquisition, and simultaneous acquisition from multiple channels. The maximum acquisition speed for each analog input channel on a PET-7H16M module is up to 200k-Hz, which is suitable for high-speed data acquisition from variety of mechanical, electronic and physical signals in various fields, such as industrial production, automatic control, electrochemistry, medicine, etc.

Moreover, ICP DAS provides a utility that can be installed on the Host PC which not only supports VC, C# and VB.NET API, but also LabVIEW development tools, meaning that you can easily manage the data using these tools.

Combining SG-3000 series conditioning modules with the PET-7H16M module enhances ICP DAS predictive maintenance solutions

The SG-3000 series signal conditioning modules can be connected to a variety of sensors for currentvoltagethermocoupleresistance temperature detector (RTD)strain gauge, and IEPE accelerometermeasurement, and then the different input signals can be filtered, isolated or amplified, which can subsequently be converted to an analog voltage or current output in a common measurement range.

Combining the PET-7H16M module with SG-3000 series module can not only allow you to monitor a variety of signals from a wide range of machines, but can also be used to collect real-time data from different regions and immediately transmit the data to the central management system via the Ethernet.

AR-200/AR-400 high-performance dynamic signal acquisition modules are the best choice for vibration monitoring

The AR-200/AR-400 series is a range of high-performance dynamic signal acquisition modules that are designed specifically for vibration monitoring and analysis. The maximum simultaneous sampling rate for each channel on the AR-200 and AR-400 is up to 200k-Hz and 125k-Hz respectively. The AR-200/AR-400 modules include a built-in 3mA excitation current to power the Integrated Electronics Piezo-Electric (IEPE) accelerometers and a 16-bit A/D converter. The data acquired by the AR-200/AR-400 is saved on a Micro SD card that can be used for offline vibration analysis.

ICP DAS also provides a utility that can be installed on the Host PC that can be easily configured for different triggering modes, as well as changing the sampling rate, and scheduling the sampling time for various applications using the development tools.

Consequently, the AR-200/AR-400 modules are recommended as your best choice for vibration monitoring and measurement.


ICP DAS intelligent predictive maintenance solutions can help increase the efficiency and transparency of maintenance. By knowing which item of equipment needs maintenance, maintenance personnel can make better decisions that help to increase equipment lifetime and plant safety.

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