Bộ quản lý năng lượng điện tập trung kết nối RS-232/485 + Ethernet + App Line ICP DAS PMC-5231 CR
PMC-5231 is the new generation of Power Meter Concentrator for meeting the trend of energy saving and carbon reduction in the Industry 4.0 age. It provides flexible integration with the ICP DAS power meters via RS-485 or Ethernet interface, and features various functions such as: measure the power consumption of the devices, energy usage analysis, power demand management and alarm notification functions. The PMC-5231 features a built-in Micro SD card. After it retrieving the power data from the power meter, it will save the power data in data log file, and automatically send back the data log files to the back-end management center for data analysis and statistics. PMC-5231 offers a user-friendly and intuitive web site interface that allows users to implement the Energy monitoring and management system just a few clicks away; no programming is required. In addition to ICP DAS XV-Board and M-7000 I/O modules, the PMC-5231 can also connect to standard Modbus TCP/RTU Slave modules. By working with the I/O modules, and functions such as IF-THEN-ELSE logic rule execution and alarm notification functions including LINE/Email, PMC-5231 offers more thought-out power demand management and alarm notification functions, and is able to perform load shedding of the devices if required, and enables real-time monitoring and control of the power consumption of the devices. PMC-5231 also supports the Modbus TCP/RTU, SNMP, FTP and MQTT protocols for seamless integration with the back-end SCADA/MES/IT/IoT/Network Management systems. So that the administrator can monitor the status of power consumption of each device and perform statistics and analysis of the power information, thus improving the overall efficiency in electricity consumption to save costs on utility bills. All of these features make PMC-5231 a perfect concentrator of power meter in the Energy monitoring and management application of Industry 4.0 age.