Bo mạch PCI 64 kênh DO cách ly ICP DAS PISO-A64U CR
The PISO-A64U universal PCI card supports 3.3 V/5 V PCI bus. These cards provide 64 optically isolated digital output channels, each of which offers a PNP transistor and an integrated suppression diode for the inductive load. The isolated DO channels use a short optical transmission path to transfer an electronic signal between the elements of a circuit and keep them electrically isolated. The open collector outputs (DO channels) are typically used for alarm and warning notification, signal output control, control for external circuits that require a higher voltage level, and signal transmission applications, etc. The board acts as an interface to field logic signals, eliminates ground-loop problems, and isolates the host computer from damaging voltages. These cards have a DB-37 connector and a 40-pin male header, each of which contains 32 output channels.
The PISO-A64U also adds a Card ID switch on-board. Users can set Card ID and then recognizes the board by the ID via software when using two or more PISO-A64U cards in one computer.
The cards support various OS versions, such as Linux, DOS, Windows. DLL and Active X control together with various language sample program based on Turbo C++, Borland C++, Microsoft C++, Visual C++, Borland Delphi, Borland C++ Builder, Visual Basic, C#.NET, Visual Basic.NET and LabVIEW are provided in order to help users to quickly and easily develop their own applications.