Card PCI Express 16 kênh đầu vào tương tự 16 bits + 12 kênh DIO ICP DAS PCIe-8622 CR
The PCIe-8622 is a powerful multifunction board based on the PCI Express. With a FIFO of 2048 samples, the maximum sampling rate of PCIe-8622 is up to 200 kS/s with 16 16-bit A/D converters simultaneously sampling on each channel. The PCIe-8622 has two 16-bit voltage output (D/A) channels, 12 digital input channels, 12 digital output channels, and two PWM output channels.
PCIe-8622 supports more kinds of trigger modes for A/D conversion: software trigger, internal pacer trigger and external pacer trigger. The software trigger can acquire a sample whenever needed, while the internal pacer saves CPU loading by triggering the sampling at pre-programmed frequency. An external pacer can be used for triggering by external frequency source. The PCIe-8622 also includes an onboard Card ID switch that can be used to set a unique ID for each board so that they can be instantly recognized if two or more boards are installed in the same computer.
The cards support various OS versions, such as Linux, DOS, Windows. DLL and Active X control together with various language sample program based on Turbo C++, Borland C++, Microsoft C++, Visual C++, Borland Delphi, Borland C++ Builder, Visual Basic, C#.NET, Visual Basic.NET and LabVIEW are provided in order to help users to quickly and easily develop their own applications.