Giới thiệu Modbus TCP Master của điều khiển WISE

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16/03/2020 SCADA - IIoT 360 viewed

Through Modbus TCP protocol, WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x is able to read or write 4 types of Modbus data (Coil Output, Discrete Input, Input Register and Holding Register) from the Modbus TCP Slave modules to the WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x. And by WISE IF-THEN-ELSE rule engine, it allows to perform automation control operation on the devices. And with SCADA software, it also allows to monitor and control the Modbus RTU device retrieved information on the WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x.

The comparison table of WISE-580x, WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x in I/O module connection is as below:

I/O Module Support WISE-580x WISE-580x-MTCP WISE-52xx/WISE-224x
Local I/O Interface XW-Board XW-Board XV-Board
Remote I/O Interface
by RS485
I-7000 modules
(up to 16)
Modbus RTU Slave modules
(up to 10)
No I-7000/DL DCON modules
(up to 16)
Modbus RTU Slave modules
(up to 16)
Remote I/O Interface
by Ethernet
No Modbus TCP Slave modules
(up to 7)
Modbus TCP Slave modules
(up to 16)

Modbus TCP Module Setting


Through Modbus TCP protocol, WISE-580x-MTCP is able to read back 4 types of Modbus data (Coil Output, Discrete Input, Input Register and Holding Register) from the Modbus TCP Slave modules that are connected to the WISE-580x-MTCP, and write data on Coil Output or Holding Register from the WISE-580x-MTCP to these Modbus TCP Slave modules. WISE-580x-MTCP can use the Modbus data along with the built-in IF-THEN-ELSE logic engine to execute actions under specific conditions. The SCADA system also can retrieve the Modbus data from the WISE-580x-MTCP. The Modbus TCP Slave modules setting page is shown as follow:

Follow the following steps to complete setting:

  1. Go to “Basic Setting” ⇒ “Modbus TCP Module Setting Page” to open the Modbus TCP Module Setting Page of WISE-580x-MTCP.

  2. In the “Module Type” field, there are three options for selection to define the module type of the Modbus TCP module which connect to WISE-580x-MTCP.

If the module which connect to WISE-580x-MTCP is WISE-71xx series or ET-7000/PET-7000 series, you can select “WISE-71xx Series” or “ET-7000/ PET-7000 Series” in the field first, then select the exact model name from the following dropdown list. After complete the setting, system will automatically produce the Modbus Address Table for the module you select based on its I/O channel configuration. If the module which is not in the automatic support list of WISE-580x-MTCP, please select “Customize” in the “Module Type” field, then define the Modbus Address Table for the I/O channel configuration of the module later.

      • In the “Name” field, input the Modbus TCP Slave module name.

      • In the “IP Address” field, input the IP of the Modbus TCP Slave module.

      • In the “Port” field, input the Modbus TCP Slave port of the Modbus TCP module.

      • In the “NetID” field, input the NetID of the Modbus TCP Slave module.

      • In the “Scan Rate” field, input the time interval in seconds. The WISE-580x-MTCP will update the Modbus data from the Modbus TCP Slave module every specified time-interval. The default value is 5 seconds.

      • In the “Polling Timeout” field, input the time interval in millisecond seconds. It is the time interval for WISE-580x-MTCP to send Modbus TCP command to the Modbus TCP Slave module and wait for the response. The default value is 500 milliseconds.

      • In the “Connection Timeout” field, input the time interval in seconds. It is the time interval for WISE-580x-MTCP to connect to the Modbus TCP Slave module and wait for the response. The default value is 3 seconds.

      • In the “Disconnection Retry Interval” field, input the time interval in seconds. It is the time interval to re-connect with the Modbus TCP Slave module when it is unconnected. The default value is 5 seconds.

      • After all settings are completed, click “Add” to add the Modbus TCP Slave module to the module list. According to the Index being assigned, the I/O channel data of the Modbus TCP module will be saved in the corresponding WISE-580x-MTCP Modbus address table, for more detailed information, please refer to the following table.

      • Select the Modbus TCP Slave module on the module list and click “Setting” button to get in to the Coil Output, Discrete Input, Input Register and Holding Register setting page to edit settings. For the detail, please refer to the next topic “Modbus TCP Slave Attribute Setting”. To remove the Modbus TCP Slave module, select the module you would like to remove and click “Remove” button. To relocate Modbus TCP Slave to other index, click “Move Up” or “Move Down” to move the Modbus TCP Slave module to the desired index.

Please note:

        • If the setting of “Module Type” is “WISE-71xx Series”, then system will automatically produce the Modbus Address Table for the I/O channel configuration of the module you select in the “model name” dropdown list. You do not need to build the Modbus Address Table by yourselves.

        • If the setting of “Module Type” is “ET-7000/PET-7000 Series”, then system will automatically produce the Modbus Address Table for the I/O channel configuration of the module you select in the “model name” dropdown list. Please remember to go to the “Modbus TCP Module Attribute Setting Page” of the module to check and modify the setting of HEX max/min values and Real max/min values to be the same as the setting of the physical module.

About the configuration and setting document of ET-7000/PET-7000 series modules, please visit [Here] to download the “pet_et_7000_register_table_v1.0.x.pdf” document for reference.

  1. After all Modbus TCP Slave module settings are completed, click “Save” button to save the changes

WISE-52xx, 224x

WISE-52xx/WISE-224x allows connections to ICP DAS (P)ET-7000/WISE-7100/ WF-2000/IR modules and general Modbus TCP Modules. Through Modbus TCP protocol, it enables to read or write 4 types of Modbus data (Coil Output, Discrete Input, Input Register and Holding Register) from the Modbus TCP modules. And by WISE-52xx/WISE-224x IF-THEN-ELSE rule engine, it allows to perform automation control operation on the modules. And with SCADA software, it also allows monitoring and control of the Modbus TCP modules which connect with the WISE-52xx/WISE-224x. The Modbus TCP Slave Module setting page is shown as follow:

Please Note: The LAN interface on WISE-52xx/WISE-224x allows connections to at most 16 devices ((P)ET-7000/WISE-7100/WF-2000/IR modules or Modbus TCP modules).

The user could add the (P)ET-7000/WISE-7100/WF-2000/IR module or Modbus TCP modules manually one by one, the steps are as below:

  1. No: The number will be the order that the I/O channel data of the Modbus TCP module being stored in the WISE-52xx/WISE-224x Modbus Table. The range is 1~16.

  2. IP: Allows modification of the IP address, Port and NetID of this Modbus TCP module, make sure the IP, Port and NetID setting are the same as the settings of the module. If the setting is not accurate, the connection for WISE-52xx/WISE-224x to the module will be failed.

  3. Select the module name: For ICP DAS (P)ET-7000/WISE-7100/ WF-2000/IR modules, the user could select the default model name from the dropdown list. Please input the nickname for other Modbus TCP modules manually.

  4. Click to add the Modbus TCP module to the list After adding the Modbus TCP module, click “Save” button to save the changes.

Modbus TCP Slave Attribute Setting

The detailed configuration page of Coil Output, Discrete Input,Input Register and Holding Register for each Modbus TCP device is shown as below:


The detailed configuration page of Coil Output, Discrete Input,Input Register and Holding Register for each Modbus TCP device is shown as below:



Follow the following steps:

  1. Data Model: WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x offers 4 Data Model selections to match the Modbus TCP Slave module configuration. The Data Model list is as follow.

  2. Coil Output
    The Modbus Address in Modbus TCP Module The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-52xx
    1 00050 00780 03500
    2 00051 00781 03501
    3 00052 00782 03502
    4 00053 00783 03503

    The allocation of the Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x for the Discrete Input setting of this Modbus TCP module is shown as below:

    Discrete Input
    The Modbus Address in Modbus TCP Module The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-52xx
    1 10020 10780 13500
    2 10021 10781 13501
    3 10022 10782 13502
    4 10023 10783 13503
    5 10024 10784 13504
    6 10025 10785 13505

    The allocation of the Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x for the Input Register setting of this Modbus TCP module is shown as below:

    Input Register
    The Modbus Address in Modbus TCP Module The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-52xx
    1 30010 30780 33500
    2 30012 30782 33502
    3 30014 30784 33504

    The allocation of the Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x for the Holding Register setting of this Modbus TCP module is shown as below:

    Holding Register
    The Modbus Address in Modbus TCP Module The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-580x-MTCP The mapping Modbus Address in WISE-52xx
    1 40060 40780 43500
    2 40061 40782 43502

    (The number of Modbus address setting blocks will affect the data update rate for the Modbus TCP Slave module. Please minimize the number of Modbus address setting blocks; merge the conjunctive setting blocks to speed up the data update rate for the communication between WISE-580x-MTCP/WISE-52xx/WISE-224x and Modbus TCP Slave module.)

HEX Conversion

If the Modbus TCP Slave device provides HEX data only, WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x allows to transfer the HEX value to decimal value in floating point so that the value can be used in IF-THEN-ELSE rules edition. The value retrieved from WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x via Modbus TCP/RTU can be transferred to more-easy-to-read decimal value in floating point automatically as well (the floating point will take two local addresses).

When you select HEX as the data type, you will be required to input the HEX data range and the corresponding decimal data range. WISE-580x-MTCP, WISE-52xx and WISE-224x will transfer the HEX to decimal value automatically when performing read/write operations.

Modbus TCP Slave Rule Setting

    • Coil Output Condition:

Identify the status of Coil Output to be ON or OFF, if the result matches the evaluation criteria, the Action will be executed.

Coil Output Operator Description Condition Statements
Coil Output State of Address N ON Identify if the state of Coil Output is ON continue to be TRUE when the status matches the criteria
OFF Identify if the state of Coil Output is OFF
    • Discrete Input Condition:

Identify the status of Discrete Input to be ON or OFF, if the result matches the evaluation criteria, the Action will be executed.

Discrete Input Operator Description Condition Statements
Discrete Input State of Address N ON Identify if the state of Discrete Input is ON continue to be TRUE when the status matches the criteria
OFF Identify if the state of Discrete Input is OFF
    • Input Register Condition:

Identify the value of Input Register to be equal to, greater than, less than, equal to or greater than, equal to or less than the “Variable”, if the result matches the evaluation criteria, the Action will be executed.

Input Register Operator Variable Description Condition Statements
Input Register Value of Address N =

User-Defined Value Using a user-defined value to compare with Input Register value of address N. continue to be TRUE when the status matches the criteria
Internal Register Using the internal register value to compare with Input Register value of address N.
AI Channel Value Using AI channel values of module to compare with Input Register value of address N.
AO Channel Value Using AO channel values of module to compare with Input Register value of address N.
Input Register Value Using input register values of module to compare with Input Register value of address N.
Holding Register Value Using holding register values of module to compare with Input Register value of address N.
    • Holding Register Condition:

Identify the value of Holding Register to be equal to, greater than, less than, equal to or greater than, equal to or less than the “Variable”, if the result matches the evaluation criteria, the Action will be executed.

Holding Register Operator Variable Description Condition Statements
Holding Register Value of Address N =

User-Defined Value Using a user-defined value to compare with Holding Register value of address N. continue to be TRUE when the status matches the criteria
Internal Register Using the internal register value to compare with Holding Register value of address N.
AI Channel Value Using AI channel values of module to compare with Holding Register value of address N.
AO Channel Value Using AO channel values of module to compare with Holding Register value of address N.
Input Register Value Using input register values of module to compare with Holding Register value of address N.
Holding Register Value Using holding register values of module to compare with Holding Register value of address N.
    • Coil Output Action:

Change the Coil Output status to specified status. The status can be set as “OFF” or “ON”.

Coil Output Action Description Execution Type
Coil Output State of Address N ON Change the DO Channel status to be ON One Time / Repeat
OFF Change the DO Channel status to be OFF
    • Holding Register Action:

Users can modify the Holding Register value in the THEN/ELSE Action statement.

Holding Register Operator Variable Description Execution Type
Holding Register Value of Address N =
User-Defined Value The value defined by user. One Time / Repeat
Internal Register One of the Internal register value of the module.
AI Channel Value One of the AI channel value of the module.
AO Channel Value One of the AO channel value of the module.
Input Register Value One of the Input Register value of the module.
Holding Register Value One of the Holding Register value of the module.
Operator Description
= Assign the new Holding Register value as the value in “Varibale” field.
+= Assign the new Holding Register value as the original Holding Register value plus the value in “Varibale” field.
-= Assign the new Holding Register value as the original Holding Register value minus the value in “Varibale” field.

Modbus TCP Master Application Example

Scenario Example Document

In this application for disaster prevention and access control of the factory environment, WISE-5801-MTCP is connected to ET-7018Z and PET-7060. The ET-7018Z is used to detect the temperature for various devices in the factory in real time; WISE-5801-MTCP can communicate with ET-7018Z via Modbus TCP protocol to receive the real time temperature data for data logger operation, and then send back the real time temperature data and historical data logger files to the control center. By using the WISE-5801-MTCP, the system is able to initiate immediately actions in response to emergencies. For example, when the temperature reaches the pre-set critical temperature threshold, based on the temperature it gets from ET-7018Z, the WISE-5801-MTCP will take actions such as stop the devices automatically, turn on the temperature reduction devices, or send SMS message to notify the related personals. The operator can also send the SMS command to WISE-5801-MTCP to take appropriate actions to the factory devices immediately. These functions help to quickly response to emergencies and enable more efficient real time monitoring of the overall factory operation.

The PET-7060 is used to connect to the access control system and report its status. WISE-5801-MTCP communicates with PET-7060 via Modbus TCP protocol. With the built-in Schedule function of WISE-5801-MTCP, the user can divide the factory operation time into Working time (8:00-18:00) and non-Working time (18:00-08:00 and holidays). If someone breaks in the factory in non-Working time without the access authority, the WISE-5801-MTCP will send SMS message to notify the related personals and the alarm operation will be enabled. During the lunch break (12:00-13:00); users could also set up the Schedule to ring a bell for notification. WISE-5801-MTCP also provides event trigger data log operation. The door status of the access control from PET-7060 can be used as a trigger source to trigger the data log operation. When the file recording operation is completed, WISE-5801-MTCP will also automatically send back the data logger file to the control center for further analysis.


Graphic Illustration

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