- 480 batteries , some power & security equipment of a telecom company
- 40 Ch. (10 pcs. I-87013) temperature , 480 Ch. (60 pcs I-8017H) voltage & about 50 D/I signals to be measured
- All measured data are gathered by 13 I-8817.
- An “OPC server” running under windows 2000 requests all data from these 13 I-8817 through the RS485 Modbus network and this “OPC server” can be connected by some remote HMI software (Iconics).
- Battery temperature & voltage are sent to two I-8817 through Fbus (controller to controller data exchange).
- Two touch monitors (Touch 506) are settled beside these two I-8817 to read out temperature & voltage through the RS232 Modbus.
- Alarm system of manufacture facility of Me??? Display Tech. Ltd.
- No PC & Touch monitor.
- About 100 D/I (9 pcs. I-8051)signals are collected from the facilities.
- About 110 D/O Ch. (7 pcs. I-8056) to control the LEDs on the display panel
- One I-8817 & two I-8417 are used to acquire all D/I signals and sent to one another I-
- 8817 to display and ring.
- Alarm & lighting system of So?? Department store.
- Three I-8417 are used.
- Many I-7000 remote I/O modules to collect D/I & A/I signals.
- Some Modbus Power meter to get the power data and sent to one I-8417.
- Two HMI-software PCs.
- One LED Display panel showing some important message.