Bộ lập trình 1 cổng CAN DeviceNet ICP DAS I-87124-G
The CAN (Controller Area Network) is a serial communication protocol, and efficiently supports distributed real-time control with a very high level of security. It is an especially suit for networking “intelligent” devices as well as sensors and actuators within a system or sub-system. In CAN network, there is no addressing of subscribers or stations in the conventional sense, but instead prioritized messages are transmitted. As standalone CAN controller, I-87124 can represent an economic solution of DeviceNet application and be a DeviceNet master device in the CAN bus on the DeviceNet network. It is a “Predefined Master connection Set”, and supports Group 2 only Server functions to communication with slave devices. It has a independent CAN bus communication port with 5-pin screw terminal connector, and has the ability to cover a wide range of DeviceNet applications. Besides, I-87124 uses the CAN controller Phillips SJA1000T and transceiver 82C250, which provide bus arbitration, error detection with auto correction and re-transmission function. It can be installed in WinPAC or ViewPAC series PAC.It is popularly applied in the industrial automation, building automation,vehicle, marine, and embedded control network. In order to expand the DeviceNet functions of ICPDAS products, I-87124 module is developed for this purpose.